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Omahenene Research Station, Ruacana Main Road, P.O Box 114, Oshakati, Namibia, Tel/Fax: +264 65 250340

Contact Person:
Sesilia Nghuumono
Centre Coordinator
+264 81 277 1060

WAD Omahenene Training Centre is located approximately 25km North of Outapi Town Council. The Centre was set up in 1994 at Omahenene Research Station, to train residents from surrounding villages in various vocational skills such as Horticulture, Computer literacy, Needle work and Hospitality. Since its inception, the centre has trained hundreds of students in Socio-economic and socio-political skills.

Course Name Name of Trainers Contact Number Duration Course Fee Accommodation +Meal Fee (4 Months)
Basic Computer and Office Administration
Ms. Hileni Tobias
4 Month
N$ 1900.00
Ms. Kronelia Niingo
4 Month
N$ 1600.00
Hernelite Kautiwa
4 Month
N$ 1600.00
Ms. Sesilia Nghuumono
4 Month
Registration fee ( Non – Refundable)
N$ 200.00

Click here for: Details of Trainers

WAD (FREE) Mobile workshop & training courses

Course Duration Summary
Gender Based Violence (GBV) and Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Dialogue with men & Boys

5 days

Women’s Action for Development (WAD) as a non-profit-making, non-governmental-organization carries out its community developmental work in all 14 regions of the country through skills development and awareness raising programmes.

These are funded programmes which are conducted free of charge to the marginalised communities in both urban and rural areas in Namibia.

The programmes are known as mobile field day trainings because WAD sends out trainers to the identified areas of needs, were the courses are conducted at public and or private facilities accessible to public members.

The identification of an area to benefit from these programmes is done through needs assessment or request from a recognised, established institution or group, such as Regional Councils, Local Authorities, faith-based, Traditional Authorities, Youth, men and women organizations, etc.
Gender Based Violence and Substance Abuse
3 days
Aspects of the Namibian Constitution, Human Rights and Gender Related Laws and Human Trafficking
5 days

Office Admin and Computer literacy: Level 1

1 Month

Hospitality and Tourism:
Level 1

2 Weeks

Needlework and Tailoring:
Level 1

1 Month

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3rd Ruhr Street

Northern Industrial Area

PO Box 370


Tel: +264 83 321 7667